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HouseATL Member Platform

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All Working Groups

These are the committees defined within HouseATL. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Funders' Collective
The HouseATL Funders’ Collective is a collaborative of public, philanthropic, and private (banks, CDFIs, social impact) funders who seek to raise new capital, and more efficiently coordinate existing resources, to support the production and preservation of affordable housing in Atlanta.
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Homeownership Working Group
Outlines strategies and goals to increase affordable and sustainable homeownership in Atlanta for low and moderate income households, with a focus on Black and Brown families who have historically had lower ownership rates.
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Policy Working Group
The Policy Working Group coordinates efforts of various partners on state and local affordable housing policies and regulatory reform that will advance affordable housing and the strategic recommendations of HouseATL.
Prioritizing Communities Working Group
The Prioritizing Communities Working Group helps ensure that people who are low- and moderate-income in Atlanta’s predominantly Black and Brown neighborhoods are able to prosper in place in face of the significant market changes around them.
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Rental Housing Preservation Working Group
The Rental Preservation Working Group works to ensure that tools for preserving affordable rental housing are abundant and flexible, and thus residents, both owners and renters, find that existing affordable housing stock is available, safe, and well maintained as affordable long-term.